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What is Space?

Space begins where Earth’s atmosphere ends. it technically begins at the Kármán Line, which is about 100 km or 62 miles above the Earth. Space is hugely mind-blowing, big and at same time complicated. In earlier time, we don't even know what it is made of and was believed to be completely empty. However, this is not true. The vast gaps between the stars and the planets are filled with huge amount of gases and dust. The particles that are there are mainly hydrogen and helium which form a plasma called the intergalactic medium.


Why There Is Light on Earth But Not in Space and why it is black?

Have you wondered why is there so much light on earth but almost none is space? You might think it's light during the day and dark at night because the Earth spins on its axis and when we are facing the Sun, we have daylight. As Earth continues its spin, we are moved to the side facing away from our Sun, and we have night time. Well its true but its more complicated then that. The reason is unique atmosphere surrounding our Earth. It's full of dust, gases, and water droplets which all act like tiny mirrors and reflect the sunlight. When sunlight bumps into these small particles, it diffuses and creates different colors (see image below). That's why we see a blue sky and all those spectacular shades during sunrise and sunset. It's a whole different story elsewhere. For instance, If you find yourself on the Moon where there's no atmosphere, the sky will be black. You'll be able to see stars even when the sun is blazing on the surface during the lunar day. Our Space is filled with lots of different gases, but it has no atmosphere with molecules to reflect sunlight. In other words, space is empty or black. That's why, even when the sun is shining, space looks like a black void.  There is neither air to breathe nor light to scatter in space, making it difficult for humans to survive and that is why astronauts have to wear high-tech spacesuits to travel there. it mainly consist of vacuum and the molecules present are not sufficiently close because of which sound also doesn't get transmitted.

How big is it?

No one really knows how big space is. Long distances in space are measured in "light-year", which represents distance that light takes to travel in a year. This is roughly about 9.3 trillion km.

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